Surprising Things You Should Know About Yourself Before Getting Into A Relationship
It is important to enter a partnership as a whole, well-rounded person -as someone who can contribute to the health of the relationship.
Your Level Of Self Worth
It's a good idea to build up your sense of self worth or self-esteem, self-confidence... whatever you want to call it, before starting a relationship. As we know, it is impossible to be in a healthy relationship if we don’t value ourselves. Take an inventory of your best qualities and be confident in your ability to contribute to the growth and maturity of a blooming romance.
What Your Core Values Are
When it comes to cultivating a relationship, which core values are most important to you? Knowing your core values and living them are essential for your happiness and well-being. You can't expect your partner to be perfect (and vice versa) but you can stick by the things you truly find important in another person.
What are your goals? Your deal breakers? Your core values? If you know these things, I promise it'll make for a healthier situation for you, and your partner.
Whatever Your Weaknesses Might Be
At the same time, it's smart to be aware of your weaknesses Be willing to self-evaluate your areas of weakness and put a plan together to become more well-rounded. For instance, if you’re not great at conflict, plan to become better at dealing with disagreements in a manner that feels safe but keeps you out of victim mode.
Which Type Of "Attachment Style"
There are several types of attachment styles, such as "avoidant," where you keep your date at arm's length, and "anxious," which may cause you to need constant reassurance from your partner. And it's a good idea to know what yours might be, before partnering up.
If You're Even Ready For A Relationship
When coming out of a long or emotional relationship, it's totally OK to give yourself time before starting one. Take time to heal and evaluate why your previous relationship failed. That way, you can avoid them going forward.